Experience of a lifetime

Friday, August 25, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Start Blogging, move to Hawaii
I'm really doing it, making a huge move away from family, friends, and everyday familiar things on the mainland. Excited? yes. Nervous? yes. Excited? yes! I hope this online journal will inspire me to share my everday discoveries living on the Big Island at random times and with everyone at once (at your convenience of course). I graduated last spring and have been living at home in Minnesota all summer in between travels to see friends and family during my hunt for a job.

I decided to accept a job as a Dietitian at Hilo Medical Center on the rainy side of the Big Island of Hawaii. This is an opportunity I did not want to look back on in the future and regret not having done it. I know it will be a huge adventure and I'm asking a lot of my friends, family, and Girlfriend to let me take this flying leap into the Pacific. I've been dreaming of the chance to decide for myself where to live and experience life off "the parental payroll" so why not try paradise on for size?

I am most excited about the diffent culture and attitude about life in general the Hawaiian people are known to have. They are a very laid-back, grateful people who still aren't afraid to take a few minutes to enjoy the environment around them. The islands have welcomed and resisted other cultures invasions over thousands of years and are still celebrating all they can share with visitors and relocators.

I have a number of goals for my time in Hawaii, many of which are to be done in my free time, but some are to be accomplished at work. I won't bore you too much with the work ones on this blog but I promise to keep you up to date with my career. That's the beauty of blogging, you can let me know what you want to hear more or less of, just leave me a comment. I want to run Hilo Marathon in March 2007, and I've got some getting back into shape to do...I also want to explore one the most fascinating national parks that changes size every day, Volcano. I want to camp under the stars atop the 13,796 ft. Mauna Kea, where the worlds largest astronomical observatory is. I want to ski on the top of Mauna Loa with the Big Island Ski Club, and later that day surf in the pacific. I want to train to someday to the Kona Ironman, and sea kayak along the shores of the black, white, and even green sand beaches of the Big Island. As you can see, I'll be busy but that doesn't mean I don't want any company! Come and Visit! Most of you that will read this have all told me that now that you know someone in Hawaii, you'll finally be able to afford a trip? Do iiiiiiiit!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves though, I am, after all, going there for a job. It doesn't mean I won't ever be back in MN or the mainland for that matter. I know I'll miss the lakes and my family and friends. What a cool place for a first job out of college, gaining experience that I'll need for any other job in the future!

Wish me luck in getting settled in Hilo and I promise to get into a routine of keeping this blog current and answering your comments. Thanks to my buddy Eric (Sundog) in Grand Forks for inspiring me to start this blog. I'm addicted to his online narrative of his quest to run very fast at the upcoming Twin Cities marathon (anexerciseinutility.blogspot.com). I will write my next post when I sit down next in Hawaii, for now I have to pack!

posted by Digger @ 10:46 AM 0 comments


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